Claes Hellerström and Cartesian diver microrespirometry

  • Michael Welsh Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Keywords: Cartesian diver, glucose, insulin secretion, islets of Langerhans, respiration


Cartesian diver microrespirometry was introduced by Claes Hellerström at the Department of Histology/Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University, Sweden, to determine rates of oxygen consumption in islets of Langerhans. The theory behind this method is touched upon and the main findings described. Glucose-stimulated beta cell respiration significantly contributes to increased ATP generation, which is a prerequisite for stimulated insulin secretion and synthesis. This has had major implications for understanding the beta cell stimulus–secretion coupling.


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How to Cite
Welsh M. (2015). Claes Hellerström and Cartesian diver microrespirometry. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 121(2), 77–80.