The status of diabetic embryopathy

  • Ulf J. Eriksson Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Biomedical Center, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Parri Wentzel Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Biomedical Center, Uppsala, Sweden
Keywords: Anomalies, development, diabetes in pregnancy, epigenetics, gene expression, malformations


Diabetic embryopathy is a theoretical enigma and a clinical challenge. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetic pregnancy carry a significant risk for fetal maldevelopment, and the precise reasons for the diabetes-induced teratogenicity are not clearly identified. The experimental work in this field has revealed a partial, however complex, answer to the teratological question, and we will review some of the latest suggestions.


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How to Cite
Eriksson U. J., & Wentzel P. (2016). The status of diabetic embryopathy. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 121(2), 96–112.