Measurement Accuracy of Aluminium Content in Bone

  • Hans-Olov Hellström
  • Ulf Lindh
  • Bengt Mjöberg


The aluminium content in bone has been related in several ways: to the weight of wet bone, to the weight of dry bone, to the weight of bone-ash and to the calcium content of bone. We determined the accuracy and precision of measurement (using an inductively coupled mass-spectrometer) in 30 bone samples taken from one patient. The coefficient of variation of the aluminium/weight-quotient was 12.4 per cent for wet bone, 4.7 for dry bone and 5.0 for bone ash; and the coefficient of variation of the aluminium/calcium-weight-quotient was 7.5 per cent. Thus, the aluminium content in bone seems to be best related to the weight of dry bone.


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How to Cite
Hellström H.-O., Lindh U., & Mjöberg B. (2000). Measurement Accuracy of Aluminium Content in Bone. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 105(1), 67-72.
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