Assessment of Cognitive Function

A study with the Swedish version of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

  • Lígia S. Eizirik Department of Pediatrics, Uppsala University Children's Hospital, S-75/85 Uppsala, Sweden


The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) is a test that measures cognitive function in children. A Swedish version has been produced for use as a research instrument in a longitudinal follow-up study of children that needed neonatal intensive care at the Uppsala University Children's Hospital, Sweden. A study using this Swedish version was carried out in 26 healthy children 10 years of age attending a primary school in Uppsala Sweden. The results showed that the Swedish version of the K-ABC well discriminates cognitive function in children aged 10 years. The scores of all subtests were distributed over the scale and the mean scores mostly corresponded to near average or above average performance when compared with the mean values obtained in the standardization sample.


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How to Cite
Eizirik L. S. (1997). Assessment of Cognitive Function: A study with the Swedish version of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 102(1), 49-60.
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