Prevalences of risk factors and angiopathy in diabetic patients in Uppsala

  • Jan Cederholm
  • Christer Lidell
  • Lars Nordgren
  • Lars Wibell


The prevalences of risk factors and angiopathy were studied in 260 diabetic patients, 100 females and 160 males, 35–54 years old, in Uppsala. The prevalence, in females and males separately, of hypertension (WHO-criteria) was 46-34%, of hypercholesterolaemia (≥6.7 mmol·1-1) 32-29%, and of obesity (relative BMI ≥120%) 25-20%. Those smoking >15 cigarettes/day were 11–20%. Mean HbA1 was 10.6-10.5%.

The prevalence of angina pectoris was 11-6%, of possible infarction 4–6%, and of major ECG abnormalities 6-4%. Large vessel (cardiovascular) disease was independently related to HbA1 (strongly), hypertension, cholesterol, age and familial NIDDM.

The prevalence of severe retinopathy (blindness, new vessels or large hemorrhage) was 0% with 7–13 years of diabetes duration, and 26% with ≥14 years of duration. The prevalence of severe proteinuria was 4% with 7–13 years of diabetes duration, and 15% with ≥14 years of duration.

Small vessel (retinopathy and nephropathy) disease was independently related to diabetes duration (strongly), HbA1 and hypertension.

The data were discussed related to data from the London, Berlin and Tokyo centres of the WHO Multinational Study of Vascular Disease in Diabetics, using the same study protocol in the present study.


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How to Cite
Cederholm J., Lidell C., Nordgren L., & Wibell L. (1992). Prevalences of risk factors and angiopathy in diabetic patients in Uppsala. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 97(1), 69-77.
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