A long-term follow-up study of labor market marginalization in psychiatric patients with and without personality disorder
Background: Personality disorders (PDs) in adulthood are considered stable over time and are likely to have lasting psychosocial impact on the affected individual, including in areas like vocational functioning. The aim of this study was to study labor market marginalization (LMM) and receipt of social welfare benefits during 13 years from age 18 to 25 years in a sample of former psychiatric patients with and without PD.
Methods: This study followed-up 186 former psychiatric patients who were thoroughly assessed in 2002–2004, including for PD, and compared them with controls. Participants were divided into three groups: former patients with PD, without PD, and a matched control group from the general population. Register data on employment, sick leave absence, disability pensioning, education, days of psychiatric care, income, and receipt of social welfare benefits in 2003–2016 were collected.
Results: Former patients had more days of unemployment, sick leave absence, and disability pensioning and received more social welfare benefits than controls during the study period. Differences between patients with and without PD were smaller than expected, but significant as regards receipt of social welfare benefits. PD also had an effect on income at age 30 years.
Conclusions: Early onset of psychiatric disorders impairs vocational functioning up to 13 years after diagnosis, and most in those with PD.
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