Ultrasound Assessment of Changes in the Ovary and the Uterus during LHRH Therapy

  • J. Adams
  • W. P. Mason
  • M. Tucker
  • D. V. Morris
  • H. S. Jacobs


Twenty-seven women with secondary amenorrhoea have been treated with pulsatile subcutaneous luteinising hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). Serial ultrasonic observations of increasing follicular diameters and changes in the size of the uterus have been recorded. The rate of the increase of the diameter of dominant follicles in LHRH induced cycles is identical to that observed in women undergoing spontaneous cycles. An interesting correlation was observed between follicular diameter and uterine size. The correlation suggests that uterine size measured ultrasonically can be used as a bio-assay of follicular oestradiol production. Uterine growth continues throughout the luteal phase of conception cycles and can be used as a very early sign of pregnancy.


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How to Cite
Adams J., Mason W. P., Tucker M., Morris D. V., & Jacobs H. S. (1984). Ultrasound Assessment of Changes in the Ovary and the Uterus during LHRH Therapy. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 89(1), 39-41. https://doi.org/10.3109/03009738409178460
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