Tissue-based diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis: Experience of the informal diagnostic center at Uppsala University Hospital
Diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis is a clinical challenge and usually relies on a tissue biopsy. We have developed diagnostic methods based on the presence of amyloid deposits in abdominal subcutaneous fat tissue. This tissue is also used to determine the biochemical type of amyloidosis, performed by western blot and immunohistochemical analyses with the aid of in-house developed rabbit antisera and mouse monoclonal antibodies. Mass spectrometric methods are under development for selected cases. The diagnostic outcome for 2018-2020 was studied. During this period, we obtained 1,562 biopsies, of which 1,397 were unfixed subcutaneous fat tissue with varying degrees of suspicion of systemic amyloidosis. Of these, 440 contained amyloid deposits. The biochemical nature of the amyloid was determined by western blot analysis in 319 specimens and by immunohistochemistry in further 51 cases.
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